We hope you are well and enjoying the longer days and the spring like weather.
Read on for:
EdTech hubs events
Universal Design for Learning Study tour opportunity
New LGfL concierge service launched
Growing Up Around the World resource
Quick Bites Section
The EdTech hubs update
We are offering our most expansive and inspiring collection of EdTechHubs events EVER, including the launch of a new hub in Liverpool! The EdTech Hubs offer a growing number of communities of practice to provide peer-to-peer support for the effective use of technology to enhance teaching and learning in schools across England.
The Programme offers an effective way to ensure that your everyday teaching and learning is supported by equally effective use of technology and offer attendance at one of the many events and see EdTech directly in action in the classroom in one of our lead schools.
Universal Design for Learning Study tour opportunity
Would you like to visit one of the EdTech hub schools to observe Universal Design for Learning in action and have the opportunity to discuss how a successful Academy Trust has embedded technology effectively across the trust?
Join us on Thursday, May 23rd, at Peareswood Primary School, part of the Woodlands Academy Trust, to discover how the Trust delivers its strategic lead on engaging with Universal Design for Learning and see pupils across the school using Ed Tech and UDL principles to remove the barriers to learning.
If you would like to join us on this study tour session then please email Belinda at belinda.evans@lgfl.net to express your interest and receive further information.
*New* LGfL Concierge service launched
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new concierge service focused on delivering a personalised service to LGfL customers, underpinned by modern technology responsive to the needs of MATs, schools, and Digital Transformation Partners.
The key elements of the Concierge Service are:
FASTER AND BETTER SUPPORT: provide a safety net to the current Helpdesk by ensuring that open tickets on the Support Site are dealt with in a timely and professional manner and will continuously review the quality of advice given to schools and MATs;
ESCALATION TO LGfL: a direct escalation route to LGfL for schools and MATs that are concerned about an open ticket on the Support Site
PROACTIVE SUPPORT: LGfL will proactively and independently monitor open tickets and actively assist Wavenet, schools, MATs and Partners where a need to do so has been identified, irrespective of whether the ticket has been escalated.
NEW TECHNOLOGY: will drive improvement and modernisation of the technology for supporting schools, MATs and Digital Transformation Partners. New technology being deployed includes monitoring and alerting systems for the network and infrastructure within the LGfL SuperCloud.
OUT-OF-HOURS AND WEEKEND SUPPORT: Critical elements of the LGfL SuperCloud (encompassing networks and datacentres) are monitored 24 hours a day and seven days a week to resolve service failures and internet outages, wherever possible before the main school hours.
ASSIGNING AN LGfL FRIEND AND ADVISOR: direct account management and advice to LGfL customers and Digital Transformation Partners.
CONTRACT GOVERNANCE: responsibility for enforcing new performance and contract management requirements that have been introduced by LGfL to ensure our partners are performing well and accountable.
Growing up around the World
A reminder for the fabulousTVE and LGfL partnership resource 'Growing Up Around the World'.
This resource follows the lives of 11 children in 10 different countries for more than 20 years in the wake of the Rio Earth Summit. The films provide a unique insight into growing up around the world and these children's challenges, hopes, and dreams. They also show how the world around them has changed and its impact.
The resource builds students' empathy and understanding of situations, develops knowledge, and encourages research and critical thinking. Students are inspired to think globally and delve into human rights.
Growing Up Around the World is a very flexible and easy-to-use resource.
Two resource packs with activities linked to the Geography and Citizenship curriculum can be integrated into your teaching and learning.
The KS2 pack focuses on the right to education.
The KS3 pack is divided into three parts: a general introduction, an in-depth look at different themes, and instructions on conducting research.
VERY IMPORTANT CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR LGfL SUBSCRIPTION Following feedback and advice from schools and MATs, LGfL is delighted to inform you that a number of long-term improvements are being made to your LGfL subscription to: (i) ensure fantastic value for money - NO PRICE INCREASES: There will NO subscription price hikes in 2024 from LGfL(ii) deliver bankable savings; (iii) protect schools from cyberthreats; and (iv) keep over 1.2 M children safe online.
If you are a DSL working with SEND pupils in your school, you will be interested in attending the next SEND DSL forum on Tuesday, June the 18th, at 3.45 pm, where we will be having a more interactive session about sexualised behaviours (a part 2 to the overview Rachael Baker gave last time). Sharing practical advice about what works in preventing sexualised behaviours in school. Please use this link to book on https://lgfl.bookinglive.com/book/add/p/145
The notes from all previous sessions can be found heresendforum.lgfl.net
LGfL online training events are free* for all school staff to attend (*with the exception of the Designated Safeguarding Lead Training which we offer to LGfL customers only). Click the button below to explore and book LGfL training sessions.