We know that the safeguarding of children with SEND can create some unique and complex challenges and DSLs in SEND schools can sometimes feel isolated. Therefore, we are creating a FREE forum where DSLs can network and explore some of these prevalent themes. The conversations will be focused on practical support, with an opportunity to exchange good practice (e.g. policies, forms, information etc.) and challenges across settings.
Some of the themes already put forward for discussion include - online safeguarding, Physical intervention & positive behaviour support, Peer on peer behaviours, Self harm/self injurious behaviour, Complex health needs - care planning in school, Vulnerability- 'appearance bias' and many more really interesting topics for discussion.
We see this as opening up a community where practitioners can discuss, share and support each other.
The SafeguardED team member Alex, has worked in SEND settings for over 10 years as a DSL, so she has lots of experience and interest in this area and the inclusion team will be joining each session too.
If you are interested the first forum date is Thursday, November the 16th at 3.45pm.