Welcome to the CyberCloud newsletter. This week we will be telling you about:
LGfL Let's Celebrate Conference - Join us on the 1st of July 2022
NCSC & LGfL School Cyber Security Audit - It's not too late to take part
CyberUK - A brief summary from the annual NCSC conference
Meet the Cyber Explorers for KS3 - free interactive skills / careers platform
LGfL Conference
We're delighted to be running a 'Let's Celebrate Conference' on 1st July 2022. This is where you can learn about the latest technologies to help your school get the best out of its IT provision and the services included in your LGfL subscription.
If there is anything cybersecurity-related that you would like to be included at the conference please reply to let us know.
We've had a great response to the joint NCSC and LGfL Cybersecurity Schools Audit, already surpassing the number of responses we received in 2019. If you haven't already, can you spare 5 minutes to complete the audit for your schools to help ensure your school's cybersecurity needs are represented?
It would also be great if you could share this with your colleagues in education. We're particularly keen to hear from more schools in Wales and Northern Ireland.
Last week we were lucky enough to attend the NCSC's annual cybersecurity conference CyberUK. There were talks from cybersecurity experts from around the world from within Government, Industry, and Education. It was inspiring, frightening, and reassuring to hear about the latest threats and trends that we face. Below are some of the key things that we took away from the event.
Average ransom demands have increased by 150%, but budgets remain the same
Ukraine's strong response to attacks has come from years of recovery planning and practice.
We should "Step up and not panic"
Cybersecurity is still hampered by "culture and resources"
"You can't defend what you don't know you have" - We have example asset registers if you need them.
There's a need for "minimum security standards, before implementing new systems"
"We do fire drills, why aren't we doing cybersecurity exercises?"
And reminders about the range of free resources that are available from the NCSC
Have you heard aboutCyber Explorers yet? It's a free interactive skills and careers platform that launched in February and will complement the existing CyberFirst programme of activities led by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). It is designed to inspire students aged 11–14 across the UK to pursue interests and choose subjects that could lead them towards a cyber security career.