This week we have some exciting events, key findings and resources to share with DSLs, curriculum leads and the wider school community:
Meet the MASH live Q&A for DSLs - learn about safeguarding hub priorities for the new school year
Ofsted’s review of sexual abuse in schools – key takeaways and tips to shape your whole school approach
What child-protection issues are police, social care and health reps at your local safeguarding hub concerned about at the moment? What are they expecting priorities to be in September? How can you improve your referrals and what don’t you understand about thresholds? Following the success of our first Meet the MASH in May last year, we are againworking with London Councils to host a 30-45 minute session on Friday 16 Julyat 9am. Click here to sign up and to let us know what questions you want answered. Great for new DSLs…and old DSLs. We’d love to see you there
This month’s Ofsted review makes compelling reading, advocating a zero tolerance and whole school approach – but what exactly does good practice look like and how can schools respond? We’ve put together some key findings, practical tips and resources for DSLs, RSHE leads, parents, staff and governorshere to help tackle sexual harassment and online abuse. Please share with colleagues, ALL staff and relevant governors to help safeguard young people from harm – at school, online and beyond.
As we reach the end of term, why not make the most of our virtual summer safeguarding training at and our newBe Internet Citizens digital curriculum training to help prepare for September.
And in case case you missed our last newsletter, we had links to new posters to encourage disclosures and facilitate referrals - find out more here.
Don't forget there's lots happening at LGfL for other areas of the schoolbeyond safeguarding: